عن مركز أمراض الكتف في مستشفى هيرسلاندن بيرشوف بازل
As a rule, joint pain is a symptom of a disease, injury or abnormality. In many cases, shoulder pain is caused by improper physical exertion. However, effective treatment requires an accurate diagnosis. In addition to the diagnosis of shoulder diseases, our center offers a range of services for your shoulder rehabilitation. Experienced specialists will answer all your questions regarding the health of the shoulder joint, and carry out any corresponding wishes. You will be assigned with a personal doctor who will directly supervise you in his office of Klinik Birshof, as well as in the hospital’s in-patient facility.
In order to help you overcome the shoulder pain, our center offers a full range of services. Our qualified experts deal with the following problems:
Rotator cuff rupture
Shoulder instability
Shoulder Impingement syndrome
Arthrosis (shoulder replacement)
Shoulder fracture
Acromioclavicular dislocation
Shoulder calcification
Stiff shoulder ("frozen shoulder")
We offer you qualified specialists and advanced equipment and medicines to make sure you receive the most effective treatment. In order to overcome joint pain, contact the doctor and carefully follow given recommendations.
Photo of the doctor: (c) Hirslanden AG
اختر عملتك
الضمانات الخاصة بكم
دعم بعد العلاج لمدة عام
تأمين صحي يغطي النفقات غير المتوقعة في حالة حدوث مضاعفات اثناء العلاج ولمدة 48 شهرا بعد انتهاء العلاج (يغطي تكاليف حتى 200,000 يورو)
انخفاض التكلفة بنسبة 40٪ -70٪ (عقود مع المستشفيات)
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