اجراء الفحص المهبل باستخدام جهاز الامواج فوق الصوتية
أخذ الخزعة و فحص النسيجي و حسب المؤشر2500 يورو
الفحص بالموجات فوق الصوتية للحوض و البطن
تصوير مقطعي محوسب و تصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي لأعضاء الحوض (وفقًا للإشارات ، بتكلفة إضافية قدرها 650/1200 يورو)
خدمات التمريض
المتخصصين في المجالات ذات الصلة
خدمات رئيس الأطباء والأخصائيين الرائدين في المستشفى
تطوير خطة علاج فردية
الوثائق اللازمة
التقارير الطبية ذات الصلة
فحص بالموجات فوق الصوتية (إن وجد)
تصوير مقطعي محوسب/تصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي (إن وجد)
نتائج الخزعة (إن وجدت)
يبدأ السعر من:
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السعر لمدة 1 يوم:
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المرضى يبحثون بأنفسهم:
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عن القسم
To effectively treat the female diseases and breast diseases, Clinique de Valère offers a variety of treatment methods available in gynecological medicine and surgery. Thanks to the modern equipment and the best professionals that can be found within the clinic teams, the gynecological surgery evolved into a comprehensive multi-disciplinary practice. Gynecologists, surgeons, urologists and plastic surgeons use their experience and professional knowledge to effectively treat the female diseases. Our Female Clinic offers the treatment in the following areas: infertility (more than 15 years of experience), endoscopy, conventional surgery, oncology, senology. Following the policy of minimal invasion, the experts in endoscopic gynecological surgery in our clinic regularly perform hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. These technologies minimize surgical traumas. Revolutionary equipment provides effective treatment of female diseases and breast diseases in accordance with the latest operational techniques, involving the constantly developing peer network of doctors and keeping trustworthy relationship between a patient and her doctor. In the course of senological treatment, the gynecologists and plastic surgeons do everything in their power to restore the breast. All gynecological surgeries, such as outpatient treatment or complex operations, are performed with the guarantee of safety ensured by our skilled and friendly staff, anesthesiologists, operating assistants and nurses.
السيرة الذاتية
Oct 2003 - avr 2005 : Médecin assistant à l´hôpital de Martigny dans le service de gynécologie et d'obstétrique
Avril 2005 - oct 2005 : Médecin assistant aux Soins Intensifs de chirurgie des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
Oct 2005 - oct 2007 : Médecin assistant en gynécologie et obstétrique aux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
Oct 2007 – jul 2008 : Médecin assistant en gynécologie et obstétrique à l´hôpital de Sion
Jul 2008 – avr 2009 : Cheffe de clinique en gynécologie et obstétrique à l´hôpital de Sion
Avr 2009 – Déc 2009 : Médecin assistant en anesthésiologie à l´hôpital de Sion
Déc 2009 – Nov 2012 : Cheffe de clinique en gynécologie et obstétrique au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne
Jan 2013 – Fév 2014 : Médecin adjoint en gynécologie et obstétrique au SZO, à Viège Depuis juin 2014 : Médecin agrée à la Clinique de Valère et indépendante dans mon cabinet de gynécologie à Sion
1996 – 2003 : Études de médecine à l´Université de Göttingen, Allemagne
Juillet. 2004 : Dissertation; Défense de thèse
Mars 2008 : Participation avec succès à l´examen du Diplôme d´Univer-sité Européen d´Endoscopie Opératoire en Gynécologie à Clermont-Ferrand
Mars et août 2008 : Participation avec succès à l´examen de médecine de montagne (mountain medecine)
Mars 2009 : Participation avec succès à l´examen de spécialiste en gynécologie et obstétrique (FMH) avec sous-spécialisation opératoire
Sept 2011 : Participation avec succès à l´examen du Diplôme Inter – Universitaire d´Echographie Gynécologique et Obstétricale à Strasbourg
Janv 2015 Participation avec succès à l´examen du Diplôme : « Certificate in Urodynamics » à Londres
Oct 2003 - avr 2005 : Médecin assistant à l´hôpital de Martigny dans le service de gynécologie et d'obstétrique
Avril 2005 - oct 2005 : Médecin assistant aux Soins Intensifs de chirurgie des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
Oct 2005 - oct 2007 : Médecin assistant en gynécologie et obstétrique aux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
Oct 2007 – jul 2008 : Médecin assistant en gynécologie et obstétrique à l´hôpital de Sion
Jul 2008 – avr 2009 : Cheffe de clinique en gynécologie et obstétrique à l´hôpital de Sion
Avr 2009 – Déc 2009 : Médecin assistant en anesthésiologie à l´hôpital de Sion
Déc 2009 – Nov 2012 : Cheffe de clinique en gynécologie et obstétrique au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne
Jan 2013 – Fév 2014 : Médecin adjoint en gynécologie et obstétrique au SZO, à Viège
Photo of the doctor: (c) Clinique de Valère
معلومات عن المشفى
Swiss clinic Clinique de Valère is a construction of impressive proportions. Here, the best medical technologies are employed to provide patients with the first-class care. Our experts work 24/7 to offer you the highest quality treatment in a calm and pleasant environment.
Swiss clinic Clinique de Valère puts all the efforts to provide its patients with effective care in a pleasant atmosphere. We involve all our employees and employ the most advanced medical equipment to provide treatment and care of the highest quality. We hire our staff on the basis of their professionalism, experience and skills. During your stay in our clinic, you will enjoy the maximum attention from our experts. You will receive treatment and care of the necessary level.
Swiss clinic Clinique de Valère and its practitioners are among the best specialists in their field. They have years of expertise (gained in our canton and beyond) and use the most advanced medical equipment to provide you with maximum comfort and the highest quality of medical treatment.
In addition to the treatment and everything what is connected to it, the hotel staff and our technical team will also take care of you. Their task is to ensure you have the same hygienic conditions as in the clinic, comfort and safety at the highest level.
Photo: (с) depositphotos
الإقامة في المشفى
غرف المرضى
Each patient room has modern furnishings. There is an en-suite a bathroom with a shower and a toilet. A TV and the Internet connection, which is available upon request, will make your stay even more comfortable. The clinic offers single and double rooms. If you choose a single room, an accompanying person will be able to stay with you. A double room is shared with a patient of the same gender. The enhanced comfort rooms are equipped with a safety box, a fridge and upholstered furniture.
قائمة المطاعم - وجبات الطعام
The patient and the accompanying person are offered a daily choice of three menus. If you are on a specific diet for any reason, you will be offered an individual menu. Please inform the medical staff about your dietary preferences prior to the treatment.
تفاصيل إضافية
Standard rooms include:
الممارسة الدينية
Christian priests are available for the patients at any time. Representatives of other religions may be requested at any time.
الشخص المرافق
Your companion may stay with you in your room or at a hotel of your choice during the fixed program.
You may stay at the hotel during the outpatient program. Our employees will support you for selecting the best option.
اختر عملتك
الضمانات الخاصة بكم
دعم بعد العلاج لمدة عام
تأمين صحي يغطي النفقات غير المتوقعة في حالة حدوث مضاعفات اثناء العلاج ولمدة 48 شهرا بعد انتهاء العلاج (يغطي تكاليف حتى 200,000 يورو)
انخفاض التكلفة بنسبة 40٪ -70٪ (عقود مع المستشفيات)
كما أننا الشركة الوحيدة المعتمدة من TUV الحاصلة على ISO 9001:2015