:في البرنامج ما يلي
- التعريف بالمستشفى
- التاريخ الطبي للحالة
- مراجعة السجلات الطبية
- الفحص الجسدي
- الفحص المخبري
- فحص دم شامل
- تحليل البول العام:
- التحليل الكيميائي الحيوي للدم
- فحص الغدة الدرقية (fT3, fT4)
- علامات الورم
- مؤشرات الالتهاب (بروتين متفاعل -C ، معدل الترسيب كرات الدم الحمراء)
- مؤشرات تخثر الدم
- الموجات فوق الصوتية
- التصوير الطبقي المحوري | الرنين المغناطيسي
- تطبيق 28 كورس من العلاج الاشعاعي
- فحوصات مراقبة الحالة
- خدمات الممرضين
- استشارة الاخصائيين ذوي الصلة
- إقامة كاملة في المستشفى
- شرح تفاصيل خطة العلاج
كيفية تنفيذ البرنامج
خلال الزيارة الأولى، سيقوم الطبيب بإجراء الفحص السريري والاطلاع على نتائج الاختبارات المعملية السابقة والفحوصات الآلية. بعد ذلك، ستخضع لفحص إضافي، بما في ذلك تعداد الدم الكامل، والتقييم المعملي لوظائف الكبد والكلى. بناءً على النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها، سيجري الطبيب تخطيطاً للعلاج الإشعاعي بمساعدة التصوير المقطعي المحوسب أو التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي، ووضع علامات الوشم الدائم على الجلد وإجراء محاكاة التصوير المقطعي من أجل تقييم دقة الأشعة والجرعة الإشعاعية. إذا لزم الأمر، سيشارك الأخصائيون الطبيون ذوو الصلة في وضع نظام العلاج (مجلس الأورام)
يتم تنفيذ العلاج الإشعاعي كإجراء للمرضى الداخليين، مع دخول إلزامي إلى المستشفى. قبل كل جلسة سيقوم الطبيب بتقييم حالتك العامة والعلامات الموجودة على الجلد. بعد ذلك، سيتم وضعك في غرفة علاج إشعاعي محمية، على طاولة خاصة
تستغرق كل جلسة علاج إشعاعي أقل من نصف ساعة (بما في ذلك التحضير). طوال هذا الوقت، يقوم الأطباء والممرضات بمراقبة حالتك، ويمكنك التواصل معهم من خلال مكبر الصوت. الإجراء غير مؤلم على الإطلاق. اعتماداً على مسار العلاج المخطط، ستحصل على 1 إلى 3-5 جلسات من العلاج الإشعاعي في الأسبوع
بعد الانتهاء من دورة العلاج الإشعاعي، ستخضع لفحوصات رقابة وتحكم تهدف إلى تقييم حالتك وفعالية العلاج. بعد ذلك سوف تتلقى تقريراً طبياً مع توصيات مفصلة بشأن المتابعة والعلاج. في المستقبل، ستكون قادراً على إجراء استشارة عن بعد مع طبيبك المعالج وتحديد موعد الدورة العلاجية التالية، إذا لزم الأمر
الوثائق اللازمة
- التقارير الطبية ذات الصلة
- تصوير مقطعي محوسب/تصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي (لم يمضِ عليه أكثر من 3 أشهر)
- نتائج خزعة نخاع العظم (إن وجدت)
يمكنك أيضا حجز

عن القسم
We offer magnetic resonance imaging (MRI test), conventional diagnostic radiology (X-ray, fluoroscopy), mammography, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), angiography, interventional radiology, as well as various special surveys (virtual colonoscopy, hydro-MRI for the study of Crohn's disease, myelography, cancer diagnostics).
We attach particular importance to the neuroradiology when diagnosing multiple sclerosis, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease/motor disorders in old age and during the examination of brain tumors.
Another of our specialties is the diagnosis of heart (cardiac CT and cardiac MRI), bones, and joints diseases. Moreover, cancer diagnostics, interventional radiology and minimally invasive pain therapy are always our priority areas of medicine.
Photo of the doctor: (c) Hirslanden AG
معلومات عن المشفى
Every year, Zurich attracts thousands of foreigners with its best Swiss clinics. One of them is Klinik Im Park that has been providing a constantly high level of medical services, professional care and friendly atmosphere for 25 years. Why exactly do patients choose Swiss clinics? The reason is that our specialists will do their best to ensure that patients receive personal care in a comfortable and safe environment. The best Swiss clinics provide medical services at the highest level, modern infrastructure, comfort, and safety.
The entire nation trusts its health to Swiss clinics and our hospital in particular. Swiss clinics ensure the highest possible level of services, and all activities are focused on the needs of patients. As the largest provider of health care services, Klinik Im Park combines all the relevant areas of expertise and the best doctors under one roof. Swiss clinics work responsibly and thoroughly, which ensures the long and successful development in Switzerland and helps Mediclinic International to hold a leading position in the healthcare system.
We are a hospital of choice among locals, as our patients receive excellent care and the ability to adapt to life in the local community. In addition, our hospital has established itself as a major employer: we have high professional standards for our employees and encourage qualified and loyal staff. Swiss clinics build strong partnerships with doctors and support valuable relationships with other stakeholders.
Private hospital on the left bank of the lake
Swiss clinics can offer their patients the highest standard of care, for example, the private hospital Hirslanden provides medical services with respect to the patient and in line with expectations of the most demanding patients.
Contractual hospital
Most often Swiss clinics operate on a contractual basis with doctors and other health care facilities (contractual hospital) and provide specialized and highly qualified health services. Swiss clinics strive to fulfill all the requirements of the Register of Medical Institutions to confirm the high quality of work and capabilities.
Tertiary health care
Swiss clinics offer their patients competent medical professionals with high skills, latest technology, and multi-faceted treatment concepts in the field of cardiac and visceral medicine, at the same time meeting HSM (Health Systems Management) requirements.
In November 24, 2014, the authorities of the canton of Schwyz published the Register of Medical Institutions 2015. Since 2015, Klinik Im Park is again included in this registry of Swiss clinics with a mandate to work in the field of cardiology and cardiac surgery. Executive Board of the Health Department of the Canton of Schwyz inspected the list of services rendered at Klinik Im Park and found that the clinic complies with all applicable requirements to Swiss clinics and can be included into the Register of Medical Institutions. Conditions for obtaining a mandate for work in the field of heart surgery include the availability of infrastructure and the provision of emergency assistance related to heart surgery. As stated in the Resolution of the State Chancellery of the Canton of Schwyz, Klinik Im Park will continue to receive appropriate support. The management and the staff of Klinik Im Park are extremely pleased that the canton of Schwyz has adopted a favorable decision. On the one hand, this decision means that patients of the canton of Schwyz will receive quality services in the fields of cardiology and cardiac surgery. On the other hand, the inclusion into the Register of Medical Institutions proves that Klinik Im Park meets all the requirements that are applied to Swiss clinics.
Photo: (с) depositphotos
الإقامة في المشفى
غرف المرضى
The clinic pays much attention to intensive personal care and a cosy atmosphere that will make you feel comfortable. The exclusive furnishings of the rooms located in the new building will satisfy the most demanding patients. Nothing will remind you that you are staying at hospital. Most rooms open a magnificent view of the well-groomed park of the clinic. Each elegantly furnished room has a colour LCD TV, a telephone, a mini-bar and a safe box, and a comfortable seating area, the Internet access and a chic bathroom.
The clinic offers single and double rooms. If you choose a single room, an accompanying person will be able to stay with you. A double room is shared with a patient of the same gender.
The enhanced comfort rooms are equipped with a safety box, a fridge and upholstered furniture.
قائمة المطاعم - وجبات الطعام
The patient and the accompanying person are offered a daily choice of three menus. If you are on a specific diet for any reason, you will be offered an individual menu. Please inform the medical staff about your dietary preferences prior to the treatment.
تفاصيل إضافية
Standard rooms include:
الممارسة الدينية
Christian priests are available for the patients at any time. Representatives of other religions may be requested at any time.
الشخص المرافق
Your companion may stay with you in your room or at a hotel of your choice during the fixed program.
You may stay at the hotel during the outpatient program. Our employees will support you for selecting the best option.