:في البرنامج ما يلي
- التعريف بالمستشفى
- التاريخ الطبي
- الفحص السريري العام
- مراجعة السجلات الطبية
- الفحص المخبري
- فحص دم شامل
- فحص البول العام
- فحص الدم البيوكيميائي
- مؤشرات الالتهاب (CRP, ESR)
- مؤشرات تخثر الدم
- فحص الأشعة السينية
- CT / MRI
- الررعاية قبل الجراحة
- التصميم وتطوير زراعة الإصطناعية للمفاصل باستخدام نظام 3D
- جراحة لترميم مفصل الكتف
تحت إدارة الملاحة الكمبيوتر - يتم تضمين تكلفة الزرع
- علاج الأعراض
- فحص الدراسات
- العلاج الطبيعي
- الوسائل الدعم العظام
- تكلفة الأدوية والمواد الضرورية
- خدمات التمريض
- إقامة كاملة في المستشفى
- شرح التوصيات المستقبلية
الوثائق اللازمة
- التقارير الطبية ذات الصلة
- فحص الأشعة السينية، تصوير مقطعي محوسب/تصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي (إن وجد)
يمكنك أيضا حجز
عن القسم
As a rule, joint pain is a symptom of a disease, injury or abnormality. In many cases, shoulder pain is caused by improper physical exertion. However, effective treatment requires an accurate diagnosis. In addition to the diagnosis of shoulder diseases, our center offers a range of services for your shoulder rehabilitation. Experienced specialists will answer all your questions regarding the health of the shoulder joint, and carry out any corresponding wishes. You will be assigned with a personal doctor who will directly supervise you in his office of Klinik Birshof, as well as in the hospital’s in-patient facility.
In order to help you overcome the shoulder pain, our center offers a full range of services. Our qualified experts deal with the following problems:
- Rotator cuff rupture
- Shoulder instability
- Shoulder Impingement syndrome
- Arthrosis (shoulder replacement)
- Shoulder fracture
- Acromioclavicular dislocation
- Shoulder calcification
- Stiff shoulder ("frozen shoulder")
We offer you qualified specialists and advanced equipment and medicines to make sure you receive the most effective treatment. In order to overcome joint pain, contact the doctor and carefully follow given recommendations.
Photo of the doctor: (c) Hirslanden AG
معلومات عن المشفى
Some prefer to solve their health problems and receive healthcare abroad, for example, in Switzerland. Since 2002, Swiss hospital Klinik Birshof belongs to Hirslanden, the first group of private healthcare facilities in Switzerland. The merger of the former private hospitals of the country has given important impetus to the Swiss healthcare system and indicated the further direction to move into the future. Modern healthcare has become so complex that individual initiatives have now become pointless. Anyone who wants to provide medical services at the highest level should be able to work interdisciplinary and use efforts in an optimum way. Hirslanden is managed on private economic principles. The success of this group of private healthcare facilities is based on high motivation, flexibility and transparency, as well as on lifelong education, professional development of staff, and active exchange of experience and skills.
Photo: (с) depositphotos
الإقامة في المشفى
غرف المرضى
The Birshof Private Clinic has 48 contemporary single and double rooms designed with the idea of creating a pleasant atmosphere. The amenities include:
- electric adjustable beds that can be extended where necessary,
- a bathroom with a toilet and a shower. Terry towelling and soap are at your disposal. A hairdryer can be provided in the department upon request. The patients who have extended or private health insurance get shower gel and body lotion,
- a wardrobe with a locker for storage of personal items or small amounts of cash. Please leave your valuables (such as jewellery) at home,
- a personal direct dial phone,
- a radio and a TV with a wide selection of national and international channels,
- the Internet and e-mail. Any analogue mobile phone sockets can be used for laptops. Please check if your laptop has an analogue modem.
The staff will take care of your cut flowers. Potted plants are not allowed for reasons of hygiene.
Please note that smoking in public areas and patient rooms (including balconies) is prohibited.
The clinic offers single and double rooms. If you choose a single room, an accompanying person will be able to stay with you. A double room is shared with a patient of the same gender.
The enhanced comfort rooms are equipped with a safety box, a fridge and upholstered furniture.
قائمة المطاعم - وجبات الطعام
The patient and the accompanying person are offered a daily choice of three menus. If you are on a specific diet for any reason, you will be offered an individual menu. Please inform the medical staff about your dietary preferences prior to the treatment.
تفاصيل إضافية
Standard rooms include:
الممارسة الدينية
Christian priests are available for the patients at any time. Representatives of other religions may be requested at any time.
الشخص المرافق
Your companion may stay with you in your room or at a hotel of your choice during the fixed program.
You may stay at the hotel during the outpatient program. Our employees will support you for selecting the best option.