Surgery in Clinique de Valère is represented by experienced and qualified professionals that treat adult patients suffering from hand diseases. The up-to-date equipment and revolutionary know-how allow them handling various pathologies. The development of anesthesia and surgical technique in combination with a special efficient infrastructure allow making surgeries as safely as if they were performed in a hospital and they allow sending the patient home on the same day. This approach complies with our policy to offer patients an alternative to hospitalization and allows for diagnostic tests and therapeutic procedures without taking the patient out from his or her usual environment.
The two most important categories are injures and age-related degenerative processes (e.g., a common joint disease - arthrosis). Clinique de Valère offers the treatment of a wide spread compression syndrome, the so-called carpal tunnel syndrome. Doctors and staff of Clinique de Valère have in-depth knowledge and the necessary homogeneous materials to be able to help patients with disorders of the digestion, glands and organs, such as thyroid or parathyroid. An interdisciplinary team of Clinique de Valère doctors often successfully manages vascular diseases, such as varicose veins or obliterating diseases of the peripheral arteries. The clinic has developed its outpatient surgery that shortens the patient's stay in the hospital room, sometimes to a few hours only.
السيرة الذاتية
Chef de clinique chirurgie digestive : HUG
Médecin chef chirurgie : Hôpital de Martigny
Urgences pré hospitalières (SMUR Sion et secours héliportés Air Glaciers)
Responsable médical: Base Antarctique
Médecine d’expédition
Chirurgie : Hôpital de Sion // Hôpital Fribourg (chef de clinique) / HUG (chef de clinique)
Pathologie : Kantonspital Aarau
Société suisse de chirurgie
Photo of the doctor: (c) Clinique de Valère
اختر عملتك
الضمانات الخاصة بكم
دعم بعد العلاج لمدة عام
تأمين صحي يغطي النفقات غير المتوقعة في حالة حدوث مضاعفات اثناء العلاج ولمدة 48 شهرا بعد انتهاء العلاج (يغطي تكاليف حتى 200,000 يورو)
انخفاض التكلفة بنسبة 40٪ -70٪ (عقود مع المستشفيات)
كما أننا الشركة الوحيدة المعتمدة من TUV الحاصلة على ISO 9001:2015